The Proven Amazon Training Course With Step-by-Step Details on Everything You Need To Know (For All Experience Levels)

Rated as the #1 Amazon seller training in the world as of October 2024*

*Per an industry survey conducted by the independent reviewer E-BIZ FACTS who spent 120 hours reviewing all Amazon seller training options including the collection of hundreds of verified student experience surveys

"Ricky coming home... greatest blessing. Our sales support our family and 3 of our adult children."

Picture of Angie K. Success Story
- Angie K.
"[Thank you] for helping bring a dad home since June 22... I will be in forever debt to you all."
Jonathan Picture of Student PAC Testimonial
- Jonathan T.

Over 1,000 verified reviews

One of the Most Listened to Podcasts in the Amazon / Ecommerce World


“This is the most motivational and informational podcast that I have heard. Jim is amazing and you can hear the sincerity through his voice. All the guests that come onto the show are just as great and so insightful. Thank you for everything you guys do! Keep it up and never stop making episodes!”
sarskizzle via Apple Podcasts

Best Reseller Podcast
“This is the best reseller podcast out there. The community as a whole is one of the best groups I’ve been a part of.  I’ve formed amazing relationships and am building an amazing business utilizing strategies on this podcast, their fb page, courses conferences, and the friendships I have made.”
It’s me Christ H via Apple Podcasts

One of the
Most Established &
For Amazon Sellers Since 2012

Proven Conference - Amazon Conference main room

What is Proven Amazon Course?

Library of Courses
Something for Every Person – For Every Skill Level

The Proven Amazon Course isn’t really a “course” – it’s more of an arsenal of action step modules designed to give you exactly what you need when you need it as you launch and grow your Amazon business. The “PAC” will equip you with all the resources you need regardless of your starting point. As you grow, you’ll rely on the ongoing updates and fresh strategies introduced by our team of over 20 expert contributors and coaches.

Our students come from different backgrounds, different countries around the world and have varied levels of experience in Ecommerce, but we have something that’s a perfect “next step” fit for them all – even if they started out knowing NOTHING!

Because Proven Amazon Course is a library of modules, you will find the exact type of module that works for you . . . for your personality type . . . your experience level . . .  your budget.

We are convinced you will find something THAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU in our ever improving, constantly updated library of courses that make up the Proven Amazon Course “PAC”.

Here’s a glimpse of what’s inside (you get it all day one and more is added constantly):

The Proven Amazon Course Contains the Following Modules
Plus MANY Additional Modules:

The Proven Amazon Course is Always Being Updated & “Cleaned Up” as things change!

Most online courses become outdated over time, but not so with the Proven Amazon Course. We continue to evolve and improve because we aggressively recruit and pay our top students to share with us any new profitable strategies they discover while purging out or replacing any outdated content.

We also have the most established (since 2002) team of successful, proven Ecommerce coaches in the world supporting this course and our beloved students.

All this makes the Proven Amazon Course an “Evergreen Library of Cutting Edge Amazon Seller Training.”

It’s no wonder the “PAC” as it’s affectionately called in our community is consistently rated as the leading course in the Amazon seller community.

The "Proven Amazon Course" is a collection of the most powerful training modules and live training events ever produced by the leading Amazon seller training team in the world. These modules sell individually for a combined total of tens of thousands of dollars if purchased separately.

Here’s a sample of some of our flagship content contained in the course:

Within a couple of years of starting to sell on Amazon, Jimmy was doing a very healthy $8,000 in sales per month… but then something huge happened.  They discovered REPLENS!  Since discovering and creating their “replens” strategy, sales have exploded to a whopping $100,000 per month at great margins! Better yet, they’ve shown a BUNCH of other people in our community how to do the same thing and it’s WORKING!  Access to a VERY active, private REPLENS seller Facebook discussion group with over 2,000 members is INCLUDED at no charge. 

Imagine owning an Amazon Replens business that uses only online sourcing strategies so that you never see or touch your inventory!

Two of the top coaches on our team are getting incredible results themselves on Amazon while teaching numerous coaching students how to source online without seeing or touching their inventory.

In this module, the entire process is revealed!
“OA Simplified” is a strategy for sellers who want to methodically locate virtually unlimited sources.

Learn to launch branded bundles on Amazon. These bundles contain popular brands that are combined with a unique “value add” component to create a listing that belongs only to you! We show you the entire process that has worked for numerous coaching students in our program. The same module sells for a lot more at, but it’s included IN FULL in the Proven Amazon Course collection of content!

IF you live OUTSIDE the USA and wish to sell INSIDE the USA on, this is for YOU! 

This module has established itself as the all time best selling and most trusted and referenced GLOBAL Amazon seller course  in the world! 

We have students globally who are currently using the ideas taught in this module to build amazing businesses… but many of our non-US based students report having similar challenges, so we’ve put together a new module to help them succeed!

One of the mistakes many new sellers make is thinking that they have to “WIN THE BUY BOX” in order to win sales. While we do love winning the buy box, it’s simply not necessary in order to make consistent sales, and this 16 module training course proves it with specific examples!

Buy local sell to the world logo

Your Comprehensive Guide To Finding Local Treasures And Flipping Them To A Global Audience For Huge Profits 

Never before in history has it been easier to find local treasures that can be flipped to an eager and waiting global audience. This module shows you exactly how this simple business model works. With a little bit of effort and training you could easily have a 6-figure business very quickly using these simple proven strategies. 

This video training module is designed to show you all of the opportunities hiding in plain sight all around you. As sellers of physical products online for the past 20 years, we have explored, taught and used just about every inventory sourcing technique out there.

One of the biggest challenges many new Amazon REPLENS sellers on Amazon face is finding profitable inventory. These modules address that challenge and allow you to zero-in quickly on the exact types of products you would like to sell. This training will help you systemize the use of Keepa and convert it to a true REPLENS hunting machine!

Proven Product Partnering logo

This unique strategy shows you how to grow & profit faster on Amazon while eliminating the risks associated with having a single Amazon account or putting your own funds at risk! 

You’ll also learn how to end the constant hunt for new Amazon inventory! 

Others have paid up to $5,000 for this training, but it is now included in the Proven Amazon Course.


A Brand New Strategy For Any Amazon Seller Who Wants To Methodically Locate Virtually Unlimited Sources Of Great Selling Wholesale Products!  

These Are The Same Strategies That Were Used To Build A $4 Million+ Amazon Business – And We Are Sharing The Entire System!

Launched in 2012, our Amazon course has served over 10,000 students to date… making it the most established Amazon seller training program in the world.  As a Proven Amazon Course student, you are invited to hang out with thousands of other students in our open community.  This is where the comments you’re reading on this page have come from.

Here are a few more examples of comments from Proven Amazon Course students.

Michael M.: “…I have not worked a 9-5 away from family since {I discovered PAC}…”

Who Can Use the Proven Amazon Course?

Why Is Proven Amazon Course So Inexpensive (Compared to Competitors)?

We received this email recently: “I have a question about the price of your course (PAC) compared to some substantially higher prices of other courses, where the price is more than 15 times higher… why such a difference?”

Jennifer is one of the many students who invested in other more expensive courses… money down the drain, in her opinion. After talking to many students just like Jennifer, we tend to agree.

So, why is this course so inexpensive? Why not charge 10x what we’re charging?

Given our strategy, price should not be a reason that keeps anyone from starting an Amazon business. If you considered buying another Amazon course, listen to Michael. Michael lost thousands following a strategy taught by the creators of an expensive course…

“I wish I’ve seen PAC before I joined {this other program} as PAC is far better value for the money… Get your refund if you can and invest in PAC,” adds Michael.

Screenshot of Michael who shared he lost money with another course


What Will It Cost Me To Start?

The students who are taking the Proven Amazon Course are real people with real challenges.

Craig lost his job  . . . “one of the scariest days of my life,” he says. 5 kids at home and a baby on the way.  Can you imagine the stress he must have experienced that day.  Yet, he started with only $120 and within six months he was making enough to support his family of eight.

From Losing Job to Supporting His Family with Amazon

Yes, you will have to work to make it happen. But don’t believe the lie that you need thousands of dollars to get started.

The Amazon 101 (which is a beginner’s module in Proven Amazon Course) shows you how to start making money quickly, sometimes within a few days… if you choose.  You will be earning as you learn Amazon selling strategies.

We have hundreds of students posting in our community pictures with their first shipment to Amazon… because it works. 

If you choose to do the work, you can build a business for yourself.

Newbie Testimonial

How much time is needed to start and run a successful Amazon business?

While having a lot of time helps, most people don’t realize that you can build a successful Amazon business no matter how much time you have.

We have students making a nice revenue on Amazon by just investing a few hours of their time per week.

Here’s Zac’s story, still employed full time, and only spending 7-10 hours per week on his Amazon business.

Zac testimonial working 10 hours per week

Zack’s not the only one. Michael is another Proven Amazon Course student that makes a good income on Amazon working less than 10 hours a week.

Michael works 10 hours in his business

Working FT, Making 40k on Amazon

Want to keep your day job and make money on the side? So did Roger.

Roger working part-time in Amazon business

You’ll see comments and discussions like this in our open discussion group for Proven Amazon Course students


Screenshot of MST member asking how many people quit their jobs

Hear these and hundreds more recent inspiring stories on our free podcast!

Is the opportunity saturated?

Are you concerned that you’re too late?  Keep these facts in mind:

So what does this mean for you?

Why Proven Amazon Course?

96% of Proven Amazon Course Students** say
they recommend the course to a friend

In a survey of our ProvenAmazonCourse students, 96% of PAC students said they’d recommend the course to a friend or family member!

**Survey conducted among Proven Amazon Course students who had been in the training for 2 or more months (95% Confidence Interval: +/-1.03%}

More Success Stories: 

Your hesitation is with merit, as there are TONS of crappy, fake, get rich schemes out there.

HOWEVER, this is not that. This community is Exhibit A (most “get rich quick!” courses don’t have a community of thousands to help you).

Also, there is plenty of third party data that this is the real deal. For example, I found the course via Jordan Malik who reviewed ALL the major Amazon courses. This was one of his favorites, and he SLAMS the most expensive one (who he won’t even mention by name), so he is clearly not just trying to get you to affiliate link to the most money in his pocket (like any sane person though, his review did have an affiliate link).

Anyway, the bottom line is . . . as with ANY REAL COURSE the value will be found in what you DO with the information. There is no “step by step do this and get rich”. You are building a business, so it WILL require thought, work, risk, and effort on your behalf. What it WON’T require is network/pyramid scheme marketing.

Anyway, I don’t regret the money I spent on the course.

Damon H.

   Let me start by saying I sincerely wish I had known about this amazing program when I started researching work at home options a few years ago.

The Proven Amazon Course and the Jim Cockrum Coaching program are nothing short of outstanding! There is absolutely no limit to how far you can grow this business if you are willing to put forth the effort and take massive action on what you learn. The business model is simply brilliant! It’s not a difficult business to learn and operate, and it actually becomes quite addictive when you really get it going!

My advice for anyone looking to start a business from home is to purchase the Proven Amazon Course TODAY and get involved with the wonderful people over at Jim Cockrum Coaching! Do what they say, work consistently, and you will succeed with this wonderful program!



Tommy L.

Hi Jim – I’m KILLING it on Amazon thanks to YOUR advice (along with – in my earlier years of selling – Jordan, Nathan and a couple others).

My ‘Units Sold’ and ‘profit per unit’ have SKYROCKETED. My returns are upwards of 300% net of commission/shipping/fba fees/pro merchant subscriptions etc.

My 5 STAR 100% perfect CUSTOMER RATING ALONG WITH A “1.00” PERFECT INTERNAL ACCOUNT SCORE have given me the ability to work from home FULL TIME (I have a part time weekend only job to cover ALL bills+child support). 

To scale my biz, EVERY SINGLE CENT earned on Amazon using the FBA platform get reinvested into more/more/more inventory. Positioned beautifully for the upcoming holiday season.

S. Friedman

I just want to tell you how much I appreciate the work that has gone into your PAC course and Silent Sales Machine. I have made extensive use of both of these resources, in addition to some of the other recommendations you’ve made through your newsletter.


My wife and I have created an income that we never believed possible prior to selling on Amazon…


In other words I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for us. Our lives are dramatically changed, and you (and a number of your students) are a large part of the reason. Thanks so much, Jim.

Mike K.

How Do Competing Courses Compare to Proven Amazon Course?

Competitor A


Proven Amazon Course

Competitor B


Are You Ready To Get Access To The "Field-Tested Vault" Of Strategies and Techniques And Begin Building Your Amazon Business?

WE don’t promise any get-rich-quick results without work. You will work. Most students who buy courses never put them to use and never see results. The results you see on this page aren’t typical of our average student because most people don’t put in the work.

But you’ll have access to the tools and strategies that can accelerate your success.  Achieve your goals faster and easier with less strain.  If you want a shortcut, then follow a strategy that has been proven to work not just one or twice. But over and over and over again.

Here Are a Few More of Our 1,000+ Student Success Stories

Picture of 69 boxes ready to be shipped to Amazon
Student testimonial - quit his job because of amazon business
Screenshot testimonial student - this stuff works
Picture of shipping boxes ready for Amazon - student testimonial
Screenshot of MST member asking how many people quit their jobs

Start Your Amazon Business Today and Make 2024 YOUR Year!

Get access to all of this today and start implementing what you’ve learned.
f you don’t love it, simply ask for your money back at any point within 30 days for a no questions asked refund.

Payment Option #1

Payment Option #2

Payments accepted

No long-term contracts. Only instant access to all training modules for $39/month. Cancel anytime.

Our goal is to make our customers happy, so we back that up with our simple refund policy. If you are not pleased with your purchase for any reason, just contact us within 30 days and we will offer a full refund or credit – your choice! Have questions or concerns? We are happy to help. Contact us at: [email protected]

Have a question? Contact us and we’ll be glad to help you out.

Go to Proven Amazon Course Support for contact options.

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